Tuesday, May 26, 2020

DASS 78: A Fallen Tree


  1. Is thumbnail lady on the right wearing a painted bikini?

    1. The camo bikini is fabric, the American flag on her shoulder and the bullets on her thigh are tattoos. <=she was included for the Memorial Day theme of the episode.

    2. Damn, that's a shame. Look for pics of painted clothes. You'll be glad you did.

    3. Professional wizard gear

  2. DA is the BA = Death Adder is the bad ass.

    1. ...except his reading aloud needs work. Hypo-thesis does not equal hypo-tenuse. I'm not being hard on the guy. How often do we read other people's words aloud? It's a script you interpret emotion and meaning in realtime. What complicates things more is that some people write how they talk, which is a mess.

  3. Your news of the wrestler lady sent me on a search for data. I suspected DBS are higher among older people (60+) because of maladies and inability to connect with those around them (losing old friends and not sure where to start with new ones). I also suspected younger people because of the emphasis on the subject in news of recent years. I found several sources conflicting with eachother. I noticed several showed a moderate trend upward per 100,000 people. Interestingly old ladies (75+) don't DBS as much as 15-24 girls; however, the converse is true for guys. Old men (75+) DBS more than any other age group and 15-24 boys are the second least likely after kids 10-14 (which is practically non-existent even though the news says it's high--it hangs around one thousandth of a percent if I'm reading this graph correctly--there's a lot of things to distract kids at that age).

    I'm ambivalent about DBS. Gasp! Your first inclination as a human raised in this society is to sympathize with those individuals; however, it's their decision. In some parts of the world (I remember reading something about Australia doing so), it's even legal to have a physician assist you. It looks like the lower-income is a risk factor. I'm not the altruistic fella (a guy's gotta eat) that is giving my cheddar, and the data shows that high-income individuals aren't shaving any nickels either. So either people care or just say they care. We're not all Batman. The solution - communism! Actually no, Russia is ranked third. Oddly North Korea's statistic is way low, but apparently it's illegal. Illegal? What are they going to do? Imprison your kin?

    1. What does DBS stand for? I typed it in to a search engine and got a lot of different things, just wanted to know for sure when I respond on the episode.

    2. I didn't want death by sui coming up in search. I thought it was bad for the blog.

  4. Thirty to forty dollars is way too high for Goldeneye. Listeners, to be clear, I am talking about April-May 2020 prices. You could win it on ebay for $10 game a year ago. The market is in flux. I am awaiting October and seeing how this plays out.

  5. Hey, Spider fan! Back again to report that I just read a Spider-Man 2099 TV show (live-action) is in the works. There is no date so I assume it hasn't been fully greenlit, but I'm hoping with all my magical powers that it comes out and is awesome.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Record-breaking comment section? What are you listening to lately? Any new podcasts? I reluctantly started listening to Dippie and Dumbo on CUP again. I'm mainly interested in hearing how the guy who runs the game shop is coping. Probably my favorite part of the cast is when he talks about the California weirdos that run into his shop. I have to see if there is a podcast run by a game shop owner in Florida. Maybe its the weather, but that state is constantly fomenting jerks, weirdos, and deviants.

    I may be back. I thought about this: with your life stories and my reactions filling up a third to half of the DASS, I'm practically co-hosting. You hear that Ballz?

    Also, Ballz, let me know why you think Sonic Adventure 1 is your favorite Sonic game. I like smashing it and its uncoordinated sibling into the dirt, but I am genuinely curious why you accept it as jesus christ, your lord and savior of Sonic games. I'm really glad the 2nd or 3rd Sonic Adventure didn't top that list.

  8. Dang it! I forgot to mention that middle-aged women are the highest DBS in the USA. I figure it's so ingrained in females' heads that they need to get married before middle age, that go nose dive into depression when all their friends settle.

  9. Hey DeathAdder. I'm sorry for not responding when I wanted to in February. I almost died from black mold in my basement. I'm very close to recovery and plan on making an epic voice comment when I'm back. I should be ready early june.

  10. Sorry for being AFK these last months, been not feeling great. Saw your removed your stuff from TNR. I will address that and this episode in the following Beastcast. Either way Im here for you brotha! Mondoroundverse forever!

  11. Here is my full Response in Podcast form:http://www.thenextround.net/2020/05/beastcast-67-deathadder-where-art-thou.html. And here is a cringey Video I did yestterday while being a bit inebriated ;): http://www.thenextround.net/2020/05/dude-where-is-my-deathadder.html. Hope you like them.

  12. One last time? Thumbnail ladies looking lonely. Every time I see the cover of Pocket Pool on PSP I'm like 'Alright!' Check it out.

  13. I couldn't do it. I could not get through the episode of cup. Give me some pod recommendations, please. Thank you in advance.
