Saturday, August 1, 2020

DASS 83: A Podcast About Nothing


  1. The play button has been flaking out a lot less now, but just in case, here is a copy and pasteable LONK below. Man that DASS 83 artwork should be hung in a museum or some shit.

  2. DASS83's artwork was not explained. What's up with the Dutchess of Sussex schilling chocolate in her underwear? What's up with Reggie or John C Reily?

    Vintage Videogame Geek recently deleted his channel. I don't follow news regarding YT so I have no idea whether he announced this prior or what his reason is.

    A podcasts I enjoyed that no longer broadcasts is the Indoor Kids. You probably would recognize Kumail Nanjiani as one of the hosts. It was interesting hearing him grow in Hollywood at the same time he was talking to other up an coming hollywood people like the guys who started Rick & Morty before they did that, but they also talked about videogames of the day like when one of the first Gears of War games was released.

    If you are downloading your videos from youtube, I recommend going to Google Takeout and checking only the Youtube checkbox. If you download a specific video via the Youtube Studio, it is reduced quality (blurry, pixelated, blocky messes). The videos in the Google Takout are original quality. Takout puts everything into archives of your specifications (2GB, 4GB, etc.). You then download however many there are. Unfortunately, Youtube does not provide a directory of what is in each archive. So if you want a specific video that you uploaded, it may be in archive 12 or archive 42.

  3. BTW, you had the Super Show theme play at the end. Is the DASS named after that Mario show. Here's something neat:

  4. Plebs use phones for commerce. That is all.

  5. Sir DeathAdder, now that you know

    the fans want to know: do you change your opinion of Brie Larson? bum bum boumm!
